The Time Management Tips That Worked For Me

Importance of Time Management 

“Productivity is never an accident.It is always the result of commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.” - Paul J. Meyer 

These tips have made my management of time much smoother.Time within a university or workplace will be very hectic so I encourage everyone to use these tips with an open mind.

Plan Ahead of Schedule. 

In order to effectively use the time you need to get whatever job done, organize what exactly you are using that time for. Create a schedule that blocks off your time for each specific task. Do this consistently until it becomes a routine. I found that planning this way helped me prevent stress when deadlines were due while also increasing my productivity. 

Remove your Distractions, with Breaks 

When I am working on a paper or assignment distractions occur consistently. I remove them using a break. A process I use is a simple 5 minute break.While using that break I remind myself of the feeling I will have when I am finally finishing to motivate myself to remain focused in completing my task. 

Show up Early, Rather than on Time.

From my experiences I’ve noticed when I arrive on time to meetings or anywhere public to meet people, specifically public events.I never have time to socialize with my peers, but when I arrive early I now have that time and more to socialize and prepare myself for whatever task or lesson for that day.

Always carry a Watch, 

When I am completing a task, for example exercising I always carry a watch.The purpose is to keep track of time and remind myself not to overuse it.Time passes quickly in motion of activities so its essential to carry a watch in any working environment. 

I hope you can as well use these tips or encourage someone else too.

- L0<3
