The Power of FIlm - Male and Female Gazes.

You've Heard of the Male Gaze, but What About the Female Gaze?

In close studies of film, I understand that film has a significant purpose in society.Two instances that create supposition of attraction within both genders is our gazes.Specifically male and female having a distinctive view of physical attraction cinema in general is subjective but is a creative tool to objectify both genders.Does every film have a female/male gazes absolutely not but majority do cinema is powerful in many ways.In the means of gender and attraction this is my focus as humans we should ask ourselves.If I was blind what would beauty look like? What would make something beautiful? And how much does it matter?Using actors/actresses in creating a gaze is for pleasure, dehumanizing and idolizing them more importantly the director understands this will satisfy someone's fantasy in the audience whether they admit to it or not.I pointed this out due to the fact of society's expectations of physical attraction.There shouldn't be either and I encourage people to be cognizant that cinema is meant to entertain and not always the truth.Cinema shouldn't teach you what beauty looks like, you should be in control of your personal understanding of what beauty is.When viewing a film be attentive to the exposition,Inciting incident ,rising action ,climax, falling action and denouement.Basically the plot leading to end over consumption on the characters can give confusion upon the messages within the film.
