The Distraction


Unfortunately, distractions are something we battle against every day and comes from within ourselves. Particularly lack of focus which can happen for multiple reasons such as irresponsible, being impressionable, and lastly a medical issue but if you asked me some of those reasons can be used as excuses, even a distraction is an excuse. We all get distracted because distractions are more entertaining then what we are fulfilling at the moment.

Quick Example : Texting during class, a text message at that moment is more important than your education. Well futuristically which will bring you more value? Obviously education but which was more entertaining? The text message. 

We must decide what is more important in every moment when we are conscientious of that distractions become preventable. It's simply a matter of  "Self Control" and "Awareness" just think about future plans and things that can wait remember your time valuable use it wisely.   

Until Next Time....

